Users access your content from many different screens like phones, phablets, tablets, desktops, game consoles, TVs, and even wearables. The size and type of screens that people use are continually changing, so it’s important that your site, content, and ads adapt to any screen size.

If you’re specifying the ad unit sizes for particular screen widths, we recommend the following:
Posted by Lea Wehbe, from the AdSense team
Savvy publishers have responded by building a single “responsive” site instead of creating different sites for different screens. These sites use responsive design principles and a single set of HTML/CSS to control user experiences on multiple screens, streamlining publisher operations.
Adapting content to different screens though, isn’t enough. To ensure that users have seamless experiences with ads as well, many publishers are using AdSense ad units that are fully responsive.
These units automatically adapt to the size of the screen on which your site is being viewed. And if you find that our responsive ad code doesn't do everything you need, you may modify your ad code to better meet the requirements of your site. Among other things, you can:
- Customize the size of ads based on the width of the screen
- Specify the exact dimensions or proportions of the ad
- Hide units for a particular screen width
- For screen widths up to 500px, use a 320x100 ad unit
- For screen widths between 500px and 799px, use a 468x60 ad unit
- For screen widths of 800px and wider, use a 728x90 ad unit
At AdSense, we’re committed to helping you make every interaction a user has with your brand, including the ads, a delightful one. Check out the Help Center for more details on these new ad units. Also, be sure to follow us on Google+ and Twitter we’d love to hear how you customize your code. Until next time.
Posted by Lea Wehbe, from the AdSense team
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