Today we're launching AdSense Labs, a new subtab under the Optimization tab, where you’ll find new experimental features you are eligible to test.
AdSense Labs is the place to find, test, and provide us feedback on new features we're working on. To learn more about this new tab, please visit the Help Center.
The first two Labs we’ll be launching are Show fewer ads and Inline ads. Not all Labs are suitable for every site, so don’t worry if you don’t see a particular Lab you were expecting.
Show fewer ads
Show fewer ads cuts down the number of ads that are shown to your users in exchange for a negligible drop in your revenue. It aims to remove at least 10% of the ads served on your site (1% or less of your revenue), by preventing low value ads from being shown to your users. To learn more about the details, visit the Help Center.
Inline ads
Inline ads are 320x100 ad units which are automatically inserted within your mobile site as a user scrolls down the page. With this new ad format you’ll no longer need to write the logic to dynamically insert ad units on your page, we'll handle all that for you. For more information on Inline ads, check out the Help Center.
AdSense Labs is the place to find, test, and provide us feedback on new features we're working on. To learn more about this new tab, please visit the Help Center.
The first two Labs we’ll be launching are Show fewer ads and Inline ads. Not all Labs are suitable for every site, so don’t worry if you don’t see a particular Lab you were expecting.
Show fewer ads
Show fewer ads cuts down the number of ads that are shown to your users in exchange for a negligible drop in your revenue. It aims to remove at least 10% of the ads served on your site (1% or less of your revenue), by preventing low value ads from being shown to your users. To learn more about the details, visit the Help Center.
Inline ads
Inline ads are 320x100 ad units which are automatically inserted within your mobile site as a user scrolls down the page. With this new ad format you’ll no longer need to write the logic to dynamically insert ad units on your page, we'll handle all that for you. For more information on Inline ads, check out the Help Center.
We'll be adding new Labs over time for you to try out, so be sure to check out Labs tab.
We're keen to hear your ideas for more features you’d you like to test. Please leave your thoughts in the comments section.
Posted by Emma Burrows
Software Engineer
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