The other day Stephen Colbert was talking about Hillary Clinton's reference to Trump supporters as a "basket of deplorables" and Stephen said it sounded like the Korean title of a Minions movie, and threw up this modified poster.
He changed it to 나쁜 사람의 바구니, literally a basket of bad people. The real title in Korea, because I know you're dying to find out, was just Minions (미니언즈). Anybody happen to know when the Korean box offices stopped translating titles and just transliterating them instead? I miss some of those great old titles, like 바람과 함께 사라지다.
Colbert's Korean Minions movie jokeThe other day Stephen Colbert was talking about Hillary Clinton's reference to Trump supporters as a "basket of deplorables" and Stephen sai…Read More...
Subacca (수박가)We're in 말복 now, and that means summer is coming to an end. But it's still hot as all get outside, so let's take a comedy break and hel…Read More...
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