Twitter promotion of the "Sliced Ring Finger" symbol. Image: Twitter |
Here's that hand image up-close:
안중근 의사의 '잘라진 약지' 손도장 모양 |
Ahn cut off a portion of his own ring finger (the "잘라진 약지") as part of the "signing" of an oath to assassinate a very high ranked official of the Japanese occupation government -- an oath that he kept on October 26, 1909. You can read more about it on Wikipedia.
The emoji will display between August 11~16, 2017. You can trigger it by using one of these hashtags:
- #광복절
(Liberation Day) - #광복72주년
(72nd Anniversary of Liberation) - #국가보훈처
(Department of Veterans Affairs) - #나라사랑
(Love of country) - #독립운동가
(Independence activists) - #대한민국만세
(Long Live Korea!)
If you want to learn more about the contest held to design this special emoji, check the Twitter Korea blog.
Here's a photo of Ahn:
By Unknown - Japanese book "Japan-Korea Annexation and Korean Independence Movement" published by Roudoukeizai Sha., Public Domain, Link
So tweet your K-pride this week, and let your bloody finger fly.
Finally, you may remember Twitter also offered a special "fire chicken" emoji during Lunar New Year.
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